Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Benjamin Hubert’s Tape Modular Seating Adds an Element of Fashion

Benjamin Hubert’s Tape Modular Seating Adds an Element of Fashion

LAYER’s Benjamin Hubert brings his signature style to a collection of modular seating where he adds an element of fashion that makes each piece stand out. Marking his eighth collaboration with Moroso, the Tape collection comprises a series of “building block” components that can be configured in a variety of ways. What makes them different is the polyurethane tape, generally used in sports clothing, that joins smaller scraps of fabric together to form the whole.

The collection features seats, backs, and armrests that are upholstered in a series of fabric panels instead of a single piece. Those fabric panels, which normally would have been thrown out, are held together by strips of polyurethane tape making it a part of construction as well as part of the overall aesthetic.

via http://design-milk.com/

from WordPress https://connorrenwickblog.wordpress.com/2018/10/23/benjamin-huberts-tape-modular-seating-adds-an-element-of-fashion/

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