The following post is brought to you by Wilsonart. Our partners are hand picked by the Design Milk team because they represent the best in design.
Recently, we asked our @designmilk followers a simple yet thoughtful question for our #DMquotable series: what does the word luxury mean to you? We got a ton of responses and yes, we read through each and every single one. There were some who defined the word more literally (a fast car, a big mansion), some who defined it more abstractly (time was a big overarching theme), and then there were some who applied the idea to design, specifically this one by @bnjmnsrmn:
The definition of luxury, today and in my opinion, is just that…whatever one defines luxury as. I do believe luxury as it once was, fancy things, is dead. There are so many things to do or have these days with so many people being triggered for all different reasons. The same goes for what is standard to one’s life. One person’s standard may be another person’s luxury, and that person’s luxury may be of no value to another. In short, I suppose luxury and standards have no beginning nor end.
It seems apparent from the 900+ responses we received that there’s a shift in thought on the idea of luxury. That last comment above says it all. Luxury is no longer simply about material possessions or needless consumption. It’s about quality, aesthetics that add to purpose, creative expression, thoughtfulness, and experience.
This is something that the designers at Wilsonart understand completely. Being free of worries, having time to do something or nothing at all, and balancing wants with needs – these are small things that add up to a luxurious life, defined not by what you don’t have, but the quality of the things you do have around you. This concept of luxury is the foundation of Wilsonart’s new Timeless Luxury collection of Solid Surfaces that are made to be what we’re defining as ubiquitously luxurious: high performing, long-lasting, durable, minimalist, well-made, and classic.
As we age, we start to realize that while we may have the means to get a nicer car or a bigger house, there’s one thing we simply can’t get more of—time. The beauty of Wilsonart’s Solid Surface is that the material is repairable and non-porous meaning you’ll be able to spend less time cleaning and maintaining your space and more time enjoying whatever matters the most to you. No need to worry about pesky red wine stains (also another luxury in our definition) or harbored bacteria beneath the surface. You can maintain your surface’s brilliance and high performance by simply wiping it down with a wet soapy sponge.
Those with a keen interest in maintaining a clean surface for healthcare applications will be pleased to know that Wilsonart’s broad collection of solid surfaces also includes EOSCU, an EPA-registered Preventive | Biocidal Surface. Essentially, it’s a copper-impregnated material that has been shown to kill more than 99.9% bacteria within two hours of exposure.
In addition to the brand’s Solid Surfaces portfolio of 60+ colors and patterns, the six new designs in the Timeless Luxury collection were created in a clean palette of grays and whites that exude sophistication and freshness. The designs are a blend of common looks such as concrete and quartz, leaving professional designers and homeowners nearly limitless options.
Mix in Wilsonart’s collection of Quartz and Laminate surfaces, and you have the perfect palette to express your own unique tastes, whether it’s in the studio, store, home, or worksite.
While the ultimate luxury would be a machine that manufactures more time, we can at least make conscientious decisions to free up the precious time we do have by choosing smart surface materials. If modern luxury is defined by your personal preferences and creative choices, then you’ll be well equipped to custom design your own place of luxury with Wilsonart’s help. Learn more about Wilsonart’s Solid Surfaces on
Do you have your own definition of luxury? Let us know in the comments!

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