Cars, bungalows, trips, and…healthcare?
I kindly asked the BuzzFeed Community to share the most luxurious gift their sugar daddy purchased for them. Although I’d hoped for more responses, I’m overjoyed to find out that some of you BuzzFeed readers are out there doin’ what you gotta do to live that luxe life.
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Third date was a first-class trip to the Bahamas. Sun, sand, and shopping. Got a brand new iPad for the trip, a $700 bikini, and each meal was gourmet with a $300 bottle of wine. After a month and a half he was looking at renting me a car and an apartment in the most expensive neighborhood in Toronto, while we flew to his condo in Florida every two weeks in the winter. It was fun, but I got bored after six months and moved on.
– Anonymous
He flew me home to see my real dad who I hadn't seen in 7 years. Got me a rental car and everything for while I was there.
I am so thankful for this man. From the age of 18 until now (19) the basics needs are that he is currently paying for all of my college expenses, my car, my phone, any clothes/shoes/bags I want (within reason no more than 300$ for a single item of clothing and no more than $400 for accessories). The most luxuries thing however, was definitely over winter break when we decided to go to Spain for a week.
from Buzzfeed luxury:

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